Although it is a little early in the season, Katya and I collected some beautiful leaves and she made a few "stained glass windows."
On Sunday afternoon we decided that it was time to visit the pumpkin patch and to check out a different patch from our usual. The new pumpkin patch had several amenities: big pile of sand, small petting zoo, amusing scarecrows, corn maze (with tasty corn), a pumpkin washing trough, and Smokey the Pumpkin Bus, (the owners were forced to suspend the helicopter flights which greatly irritated their neighbors and wasn't covered in the use permit granted by the city council). Ross and Katya took two spins around the patch on Smokey (the guy who drove Smokey LOVES his job); I declined as my back went out last Saturday and this ride was guaranteed to inflict more damage. Smokey sped and jerked around the pumpkin patch, belching fumes, on a dirt track specially modified for bumps, jumps, and the maximum legal fun allowed while not wearing seat belts. On the second trip, Katya and Ross were the only passengers, so the driver closed his eyes on a curvy section of the track while Katya told him which way to steer the wheel (she keeps her rights and lefts straight about 78% of the time)! We managed to return home safe, sound, with pumpkins, and gourds.